Shall we turn the clocks forward or backward? Reminds everyone

Shall we turn the clocks forward or backward? Reminds everyone
Shall we turn the clocks forward or backward? Reminds everyone

“After turning back time, many processes take place in the body of children, just like adults, but children do not always understand what is happening, it is difficult for them to describe their sensations in words. It should be kept in mind that every person is different, so the effects of time warping and the ability to adapt to it may vary.

In addition, if it was the same way last year, it will be the same this year too – sometimes adaptation is easier, sometimes more difficult, especially since the child’s body changes as it grows. Therefore, in order to help children, you need to start preparing for the time reversal in advance”, says Giedrė Tautkevičienė, a pharmacist at Gintarinės vaistinės.

Reacts differently

According to Eglė Taurienė, a pediatrician at the Vilnius Karoliniški Polyclinic, the rhythm of the day is important for a child of any age – whether a baby or a teenager. Changing the clocks also changes the rhythm of the day. You can understand that it is difficult for a child by observing his emotions and fluctuating moods.

As a rule, babies do not feel the consequences of time travel at all, but it is difficult for kindergarteners and older, teenagers. Especially for kindergartners or children who still sleep during the day – not only their night sleep, but also their daytime sleep is balanced.

“Teenagers who don’t want to sleep longer in the evenings are also in trouble, so they go to bed late, and in the morning, when they have to get up early, difficulties begin. Sleep patterns may be disturbed, children may be angry, irritable, irritable, it becomes difficult for them to concentrate and study, to engage in other activities due to lack of sleep.

It also depends on whether the child is an “owl” or a “night owl” – and so “owls” who like to sleep longer are more complicated to turn back time,” she explains.

The doctor of children’s diseases calls the spring time reversal, which “steals” one hour of sleep at night, extremely difficult, while the autumn one, when the night becomes an hour longer, is easier for children to survive.

“In the spring, the evenings are longer, the weather is better, children maybe spend more time outside with their friends, the preparation of lessons is automatically delayed, you go to bed later, and you get up earlier in the morning.

It is true that this year it will be a bit easier for students, because the time change will coincide with the holidays, so they will have a week to adjust their rhythm”, says E. Taurienė.

At that time, the pharmacist G. Tautkevičienė adds that if the child’s body is weaker, the time reversal may have an effect on the immune system as well.

If not only the change of time, but also more factors, such as more sick people in the child’s environment, elimination when being outside, less rest, physical activity, sleep, weaker immunity, children can get sick.

The best way to “survive” is to prepare

The change in time adjusts the body, so the pediatrician advises him to prepare in advance – this way it will be easier for the body to accept the changes.

“A few days before, and preferably a week before the expected time change, you should start going to bed earlier, advancing the time by about 15 minutes every day. Also, set the alarm several minutes earlier than usual. In this way, in a few days, we will get the body used to the new rhythm, which will coincide with the change of time”, advises E. Taurienė.

The body can also be helped by helping it to fall asleep: ensuring that the room is dark, quiet and cool when going to sleep, that the child does not look at the screen for at least an hour before going to sleep, does not consume foods that can stimulate, for example, sweet drinks, sweet cocoa, fruit, chocolate.

It would be best not to eat anything for a few hours before going to bed, because then the intestines and liver are not burdened, which leads to a better quality of sleep, the press release states.

“If it is still difficult for the child to fall asleep, one hour before bedtime, you can drink chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, valerian tea that has a calming effect. In the child’s room, if he is not allergic, you can add lavender essential oil – it has relaxing properties.

Before going to sleep, you can help the child to create a soothing and pleasant ritual, it could be stroking a pet, a warm shower, a fairy tale, stroking or gentle massage, breathing exercises and the like”, says G. Tautkevičienė, a pharmacist at Gintarinės vaistinės.

People with chronic diseases also complain

Not only children, but also people with chronic diseases have an organism that is more sensitive to environmental changes. According to G. Tautkevičienė, this means that the body needs more time to recover.

“For some, the management of chronic diseases worsens with the onset of a full moon, for others, with sudden changes in air temperature. This happens because when the body is out of balance, its various processes are temporarily disrupted: blood pressure, blood glucose concentration jumps, headaches, heart palpitations, insomnia or mood swings increase.

Time warping also disrupts the normal functioning of the body. Patients often come to the pharmacy, complaining, according to them, of blood pressure jumping out of nowhere, difficulty falling asleep, fatigue and lethargy,” comments the pharmacist.

Those with chronic illnesses should also take time to prepare for the time warp. For them, like children, the most important thing is to try to maintain a sleep pattern. In the morning, if possible, it is advisable to take a walk outside – the morning light helps the body to get back on track faster.

“If it’s not possible to go for a walk, then you should work or spend time as close to the window as possible until lunch, so that you can get as much natural daylight as possible. And don’t forget that a balanced and regular diet, physical activity and sleep and rest regime are the basis of good well-being.

Well, if the passage of time causes extremely unpleasant sensations, you can consult a pharmacist or consult a family doctor”, advises G. Tautkevičienė.

The article is in Lithuanian

Tags: turn clocks Reminds


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