A warning before sitting down to the festive table: here are the most dangerous food combinations

A warning before sitting down to the festive table: here are the most dangerous food combinations
A warning before sitting down to the festive table: here are the most dangerous food combinations

How many eggs can you eat per day?

According to Sigita Korbutaitė, a pharmacist at “Gintarinė vaistinės”, one of the symbols of Easter and the most commonly used products during these holidays is the egg. It is one of the most valuable foods. An average chicken egg weighs about 50-60 grams and contains about 12 percent. protein, 0.9 percent carbohydrates, 10.5 percent fat, 135 mg potassium, 12 mg magnesium, more than 2 mg iron, as well as zinc, copper, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, etc.

“However, there is almost 200 mg of cholesterol in an egg alone, as much as we will find in a 200 g piece of beef. If your doctor advises you to limit your cholesterol to 300 mg, then even 2 eggs will be too much. But the egg also contains antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which are not only useful for vision, but also protect cholesterol from oxidation, so it does not affect blood vessels as much. Therefore, we can sometimes eat a few eggs – I would recommend 4-5 a week”, notes the pharmacist.

According to her, the most worrying thing is the high amount of choline in eggs. This substance is a component of lecithin, which is necessary for memory, nerve impulse transmission, growth, and renewal of liver cells. Women need 425 mg and men 550 mg. After eating 2 large eggs, you already get too much choline – 790 mg. Intestinal bacteria metabolize choline into trimethylamine oxide, which can lead to atherosclerosis and kidney damage.

“If the kidneys work well, there is no need to be afraid – trimethylamine oxide is eliminated from the body within 8 hours. Just don’t be surprised if 8-9 eggs make you moody, dizzy, or loose your bowels. If we want to eat a lot of eggs, we need to have good kidneys – moderation is very important”, advises S. Korbutaitė.

Overeating and health threats

The pharmacist notes that overeating once or several times during the holidays is not very dangerous and usually does not cause illness, but it leads to fullness, pain, nausea, vomiting, and can provoke an exacerbation of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – then a person begins to feel an increase in stomach acidity, a burning sensation throat, hoarseness.

“Frequent overeating can lead to binge eating disorder. Binge eating disorder is characterized by repeated, uncontrollable episodes of binge eating followed by feelings of shame and guilt. Basically, binge eating disorder is a chronic disease that can last for many years. According to some research, people with binge eating disorder face a higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer compared to people who are obese but do not have a binge eating disorder. Binge eating disorder is also associated with other health risks such as sleep problems, chronic pain, asthma or irritable bowel syndrome. In women, overeating disorder can contribute to fertility problems, birth complications and the development of polycystic ovary syndrome”, the pharmacist points out.

According to her, overeating is especially dangerous for patients with chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, liver and stomach diseases, pancreatitis, diabetes, especially if alcohol is used together – this greatly increases the risk of recurrence and worsening of these diseases.

What to do if you overeat?

According to the pharmacist, it is common for the biggest complaints of poisoning, indigestion, and diarrhea to occur after the big holidays. Since digestive enzymes and absorbents, toxin “absorbing” preparations are usually prescribed for these ailments, it is necessary to consult with the pharmacist about their compatibility with other drugs used, especially in case of chronic diseases, because these drugs can reduce or increase the absorption of the drugs used.

“Digestive enzymes can help after overeating or eating hard-to-digest foods. These can be natural substances – papaya and pineapple extracts, coriander, oregano, basil, fennel and cumin teas. For those who have vomited – should drink small sips of mineral-enriched water or electrolyte solutions if stomach irritation is still felt – silicon gel can help. It also saves in case of poisoning – it also acts as an absorbent,” says S. Korbutaitė.

Often during the biggest holidays of the year, residents tend to prepare so many dishes that it is impossible to eat them in one day. The pharmacist recommends not to prepare food in large portions, because fresh food is not only tastier, but also healthier.

“Be careful even if you are going to cook from the available supplies. Make sure that the products are valid, undamaged, and their color, smell, and consistency have not changed. For example, boiled eggs can be stored for 3 days. You shouldn’t make a garbage can out of yourself, eating everything so you don’t have to throw it away. After sitting down at the festive table, it is not necessary to try everything at once. After eating one portion, it is good to get up and move, because movement improves digestion. After eating, you feel full only after 20 minutes”, advises S. Korbutaitė.

It is recommended to eat slowly, chew food well, avoid fatty foods that complicate digestion, and do not abuse alcohol. If possible, it is worth adding more fresh vegetables and fruits to the ration of the festive table, not abusing fatty sauces, sweets, and not increasing salt and spicy spices.

She advises to drink digestive enzymes, warm cumin, sweet fennel or dandelion root tea if you experience unpleasant pain in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, or nausea. Severe abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, increased temperature, indigestion, loose bowels can be signs of poisoning.

“Then I would advise you to take activated charcoal 10-20 tablets at a time – not 2-3, as many do, drink warm chamomile, sage or calendula tea. If you have vomiting or diarrhoea, drink plenty of still mineral water or store-bought electrolytes, in case of diarrhea it is advised to buy and consume good bacteria. If the symptoms do not go away for more than a couple of days, the temperature rises, be sure to consult a doctor. Moderation is needed everywhere, protect yourself and others,” summarizes the pharmacist.

The article is in Lithuanian

Tags: warning sitting festive table dangerous food combinations


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