After China decides to cancel duties on Australian wine, Australia announces that it will withdraw from the WTO case against this country –

After China decides to cancel duties on Australian wine, Australia announces that it will withdraw from the WTO case against this country –
After China decides to cancel duties on Australian wine, Australia announces that it will withdraw from the WTO case against this country –

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Associated photo.

Australia announced on Thursday it would drop its case against the country at the World Trade Organization (WTO) after China announced its decision to lift punitive tariffs on Australian wine.

Australia announced on Thursday it would drop its case against the country at the World Trade Organization (WTO) after China announced its decision to lift punitive tariffs on Australian wine.

“The return of Australian bottled wine to the Chinese market will benefit both Australian producers and Chinese consumers,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and senior ministers said in a statement. “As the tariffs are lifted, Australia will end its legal proceedings at the World Trade Organization.”

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Tags: China decides cancel duties Australian wine Australia announces withdraw WTO case country Respublika .lt


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