Exhibition “it is not with us” in MO Museum. Love exercises

Exhibition “it is not with us” in MO Museum. Love exercises
Exhibition “it is not with us” in MO Museum. Love exercises

Published: 03/28/2024 20:15

Morning. Rasma Bruzite, 1976 Latvian National Art Museum. Photo of Judita Grigelyts (V).

Aist Paulina Virbickait
art critic

The exhibition opened at the MO Museum is not available here. Intimacy, norms and desires in the Baltic world. Among the audience, it immediately received another title, the exhibition about sex in the Soviet Union, and having visited Irov, I have already heard the verdict several times: But there is no sex in the exhibition!

I agree, there is no sex. But you don’t need to show it as a judgment, whether it was Soviet or not. The exhibition is not a verdict, it is a conversation that covers much broader topics than sex or sexuality. Almost 300 krin…

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Tags: Exhibition Museum Love exercises


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