Natalia Bunke received a surprise from her husband Edgar: he gave a luxurious Audi with exclusive numbers

Natalia Bunke received a surprise from her husband Edgar: he gave a luxurious Audi with exclusive numbers
Natalia Bunke received a surprise from her husband Edgar: he gave a luxurious Audi with exclusive numbers

Singer, entrepreneur Natalija Bunkė was one of the first to decorate the Christmas tree, and she also received early Christmas presents from her husband Edgars Eidej. The husband surprised Natalya as it should be – he gave his beloved woman a new Audi car.

Natalija Bunkė is happy with Christmas gifts two weeks before the holidays. The end of December 7th was marked by a special surprise from husband Edgars – a new electric Audi car was given as a gift.

The woman captured her lover’s surprise in a video and shared it on social networks. She agreed to share her joy with the readers of the portal Lusneų.lt.

“I am very happy. A very nice surprise from my husband Edgars Eidej. So many emotions lately. As I understood, we are sworn customers”, Natalija Bunkė wrote.

Natalia said that the man did not mention the waiting gift – he said that he was changing the wheels of the car and would like to hear her opinion. When she entered the Audi showroom and saw the decorated car and her smiling husband, the singer was duly surprised and very happy.

N.Bunkė’s new vehicle is an electric car with registration number “1NB1”. reminds that Christmas traditionally came to the home of the founder of the electronic store “Home by NB” earlier than others – she decorated the magnificent Christmas tree at the beginning of November.

For the portal N.Bunkė revealed that every year he follows the tradition of decorating the house in November.

“A year ago (at that time – ed. past.) the Christmas tree was already decorated. Two years ago, too. My work involves photographing various products, so in order not to have to look for various decorations, I make them at home. Now it is common to see a Christmas tree at the beginning of November,” said N. Bunke.

Natalija Bunkė, Edgaras Eidejus, Christmas tree / Personal album photo, freeze frame

The article is in Lithuanian

Tags: Natalia Bunke received surprise husband Edgar gave luxurious Audi exclusive numbers


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