On the eve of the meeting – another letter from parents of preschoolers to politicians

On the eve of the meeting – another letter from parents of preschoolers to politicians
On the eve of the meeting – another letter from parents of preschoolers to politicians

Parents draw attention to the fact that the draft decision of the council included in the agenda of the meeting “Regarding the determination of the number of pre-school education groups of the Alytus municipality’s nurseries-kindergartens, schools-kindergartens and general education schools according to the implemented pre-school education program 2024-2025 mm” is discriminatory in nature and violates the Constitution Article 29, because it is not clear what criteria are used to select nurseries-kindergartens in which the number of pre-school education groups is reduced.

Among other things, the appeal states: “It should also be noted that information has spread in the public space that the pre-school education group destroyed by the Alytus nursery-kindergarten (“Linelis” ed.) is planned to be moved to the “Volungė” pro-gymnasium in Alytus. This shows that we are not even given the opportunity to choose an educational institution and it is not clear under which legal acts such an instruction was adopted. In addition, such an order to parents to rewrite applications from nurseries-kindergartens to general education institutions is not considered a legal requirement, because it is done without following the current version of the education network transformation. As you know, currently the plan adjustment project is not even considered at the level of the committees of the Alytus City Municipal Council, so all oral proposals, as mentioned above, are considered a manipulative attempt to force parents to change their decisions without an official basis, with the aim of treating later actions as voluntary. In this way, it is shown that the draft decision of the Council is not prepared both in terms of legal, organizational and quality of education. This is an obvious attempt before the start of the 2024-2025 school year to submit to the Alytus City Council to approve the number of sets in educational institutions, claiming that this is exactly the will of the parents themselves, although this is not the case. This only shows that the draft decision of the Council is not based on any clear and objective data, the will of the parents and the need for necessity, but is only an attempt for unknown reasons to create worse learning conditions for some children of preschool age, to move them to another institution, even though there is no such desire . It should be noted that Article 5 of the Constitution clearly states that Government institutions serve the people, but in this case, this Article of the Constitution is ignored and everything is done contrary to what the Alytus city nurseries-kindergarten communities want. There is no discussion with the communities, the communities’ needs are not spoken, and the needs of the communities are not listened to, which forms the basis for claiming that the Council’s draft decision does not comply with the rules for drafting legal acts.”

The article is in Lithuanian


Tags: eve meeting letter parents preschoolers politicians


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