Livonian War: One of the longest and fiercest Western wars with Moscow

Livonian War: One of the longest and fiercest Western wars with Moscow
Livonian War: One of the longest and fiercest Western wars with Moscow

Atrocities of Muscovites. Illustration published in Nuremberg, 1561. Source: Wikipedia.

In today’s geopolitical context, we can say: there is nothing new under the sun – when in 1558 in January, the regiments of the Muscovite Tsar Ivan IV the Fierce invaded Livonia, intending to “break a window to the Baltic Sea”, hardly anyone expected that this would turn into a quarter-century-long transformative war of six states, which also became the fight of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (LDK) against “the oldest and most important enemy “, as Moscow has been called for a long time.

The Livonian War, which determined the destinies of many states, was later aptly described by one of the Pskov chroniclers: “Tsar Ivan only took foreign land for a short time, but he did not protect his own very much and only killed a lot of people.” Briefly recalling: Livonia …

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