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As the Day of Medical Workers approaches: what is life like and what innovations are planned by the Alytus polyclinic and hospital?

Medicine is advancing rapidly – even unknown diseases are increasingly successfully treated and diagnosed more accurately than five or ten years ago. New technologies and treatment methods show that the quality of healthcare is increasing.

As the day of Lithuanian medical workers approaches, we found out how the quality of health care is changing in our city, who lives there and what innovations are planned to be implemented in the near future by the two largest health care institutions operating in the capital of Dzūkija – Alytus polyclinic and hospital.

The reception and emergency and intensive care units are awaiting renovation

The renovation works of the Reception and Emergency and Intensive Care Departments should start soon in the S. Kudirka Hospital of Alytus County. In order to improve the care of critical patients and improve emergency services, it is planned to invest more than 4 million in the reconstruction works of the aforementioned departments. European Union funds.

With the funds of the INTERREG VA Lithuania-Poland cooperation program, this health care institution intends to purchase the necessary medical equipment and organize medical staff training.

The hospital plans to improve patients’ access to health care by implementing another European Union-funded project related to patient transportation.

In order to ensure high-quality and accessible services for persons with disabilities, the Consultation Polyclinic of S. Kudirka Hospital of Alytus County recently installed a Disability Examination Room.

New equipment and specialized medical team

Recently, the hospital has acquired new medical equipment. One of them is an eye surgery microscope. This innovative device now allows ophthalmologists to perform complex microsurgical eye operations.

The hospital can also boast of modern surgical equipment that is comparable to third-level treatment facilities, which was purchased after the renovation of the Department of Surgery, as well as new equipment for complex urological operations, installed with modern methods and a specialized medical team.

“Each innovation means that patients will receive more modern, higher-quality services. We also hope that it will help to speed up the work and provide medical assistance faster, especially since we are providing more and more services that were only available in tertiary care facilities. Every doctor’s dream is to work with the most advanced equipment and the latest methods, so the Alytus hospital is constantly looking for opportunities to keep pace with innovations, to draw on good experience from the best in the country and abroad, to look for financing resources,” says Svajūnas Žukauskas, director of the S. Kudirkas hospital of the Alytus district.

In order to reduce the pain and fear of surgery among small patients, the Children’s Surgery Department of the S. Kudirka Hospital of Alytus County has started to use minimally invasive surgery and apply modern treatment methods that are less traumatic for small patients.

The shortage of doctors and medical workers is felt across the country. Alytus is no exception. In order to solve this problem that has been going on for years, the hospital has taken proactive steps and diligent efforts have paid off – in 2023. 12 doctors, 1 physiotherapist and 1 medical biologist added to the hospital team.

The Alytus polyclinic has a new X-ray machine and modern software

Alytus polyclinic is the first health care institution in the country, which has recently installed a speech transcriber software tool that converts speech into text with the funds of the European Union. From now on, such a tool will make the work of doctors easier – when communicating with a patient, the doctor will have to spend less time filling out documents, and spend more time on direct patient service. After activating the program, the words spoken by the doctor about the patient’s complaints will be automatically converted into text in the information system.

“Reduced administrative time helps reduce red tape and paperwork, allowing physicians to spend more time on direct patient care.” Extending the patient’s reception time makes it possible to better understand the patient’s condition, find out all his problems and create a more effective treatment plan and increase patient satisfaction with the treatment processes”, Marius Jasaitis, director of the Alytus Polyclinic, names the advantages of the introduced innovations.

The mentioned software tool is not the only innovation, with the help of which the polyclinic is moving towards a modern and efficient health service provision system. This health care facility recently won a project to implement digital forms, certificates and a chat boot system. This system will help optimize the provision of health services, reduce the burden of bureaucracy, and allow doctors and other staff to devote more time to the patient.

In addition to the above-mentioned programs, the polyclinic intends to purchase a modern, modern, stationary X-ray system with the funds of the European Union in the near future.

Alytus Polyclinic has submitted two more applications for European Union support. If all goes well, this healthcare facility will continue to improve internal processes to make the work of medical staff easier.

The article is in Lithuanian

Tags: Day Medical Workers approaches life innovations planned Alytus polyclinic hospital

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