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May 8 name days and other interesting facts –

Own name days Audre, Džiuga, Džiugailas, Džugaile, Džiugene, Džiugenis, Džiugils, Džiugile, Gintautas, Gintautė, Mykolas, Miltautas, Miltautė, Stanislovas, Stasys are celebrating today.

May 8th – International Red Cross Day; St. Stanislovas, Cibulinis; Lithuanian Customs Establishment Day; World War II Remembrance Day; World Orienteering Day.

This day:

in 1888 Folklorist, editor, teacher Stasys Tijūnaitis was born in Ukmergė county, Vareikiai village. Died in 1966

in 1919 Lithuanian customs began to function.

in 1924 By the decision of the Conference of Ambassadors in Paris, Klaipėda region was transferred to Lithuania.

in 1990 Kazimira Prunskienė, Prime Minister of the first restored independent Lithuanian Government, met with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in London.

in 1991 At the White House in Washington, the leaders of the three Baltic States met with the President of the United States, George Busch. Lithuania was represented by Vytautas Landsbergis, Chairman of the Supreme Council-Restorative Seimas.

in 1992 Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia joined the European Cultural Convention.

in 2001 The free trade agreement between Lithuania and Bulgaria was signed in Sofia.

in 2003 The US Senate approved the admission of seven new members, including Lithuania, to NATO.

in 2004 In the European championship of Latin American dance ensembles in the German city of Bremen, Klaipėda collective “Žuvėdra” defended the continental champion title.

in 2008 Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), visited Lithuania for a two-day official visit.

in 2008 President Valdas Adamkus exceptionally granted citizenship to the nurturer of Lithuanianness and nationalism, translator of poetry and artist Canadian citizen Monsignor Stasiis Žilis.

in 2010 Gediminas Ilgūnas, the signatory of the Act on the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence, died in his 75th year.

in 2010 the world’s largest club charity LIONS inaugurated the Kaunas Taura LIONS club, which runs long-term targeted aid programs: buys glasses for children from poor families, awards scholarships to disabled students, donates rehabilitation equipment and tools to educational institutions for disabled children, contributes to children’s diabetes prevention programs.

in 2013 poet Tautvyda Patackienė (Marcinkevičiūtė) became the first laureate of the Maironis prize established by Kaunas municipality. She was awarded the Maironis prize of 10,000 litas for her poetry book “Greitaeigis Laiko Liftas”.

in 2018 Historian, museologist, writer Aloyzas Každailis died at the age of 75.

in 2020 poet, journalist, museologist Marija Macijauskienė died on her 90th birthday.

Quote of the day: “Time is a precious gift given to us to become smarter, better, more mature and more perfect” (T. Manas).

The article is in Lithuanian

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