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US expert: Stock markets don’t care who wins the presidential election

However, according to the expert, it is not important for stock markets what happens in 2024. will be elected president of the United States. According to him, there is only one desire – that the elections end as soon as possible.

The interview with J. Woods in New York, USA, was held in English together with journalists from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

– What do you think is the biggest risk in the markets this year to watch out for?

– The biggest risk people will talk about is the Fed and interest rates. If interest rates start to move dramatically in one direction or another, that could cause some market volatility. We are very focused on the Fed.

I don’t know where the number came from, six cuts (interest rates in the US – ELTA). The market doesn’t really factor in the six cuts because we didn’t have a sellout.

– Regarding interest rates, there are those who say that the European Central Bank is delaying the process of lowering interest rates. What is your opinion on this?

– This is a terrible American thing, but I focus primarily on the US stock market (…). We keep a close eye on what’s happening in Europe and inflation concerns, but their banking policies haven’t been very different from ours.

– Speaking a little about the elections. What would be the biggest risk? Because if Trump were to come back to power, maybe there would be additional tariffs, market protections, what would that mean for the United States? Are you somehow preparing for both possible scenarios?

– In general, when we look at election cycles, it doesn’t matter who gets elected. We just want that election to be over. There will be headlines and that’s what I’m telling people, I’m telling clients, put your headphones on, lock it up because the market doesn’t care at the end of the day. There will be ups and downs based on some crazy headlines that I can’t predict because we have two very unpredictable people here in the United States.

But I can predict that over time the market will forget some of these crazy headlines and focus on politics. And generally, everything is favorable and after the election we get a nice swing. So I don’t think the market favors that.

The Elta journalist’s trip to New York was paid for by Freedom Finance, the content of the publication was not affected by this.

The article is in Lithuanian

Tags: expert Stock markets dont care wins presidential election