Elections are held in Catalonia, after which the separatist Puigdemont hopes to return

Elections are held in Catalonia, after which the separatist Puigdemont hopes to return
Elections are held in Catalonia, after which the separatist Puigdemont hopes to return

Carles Puigdemont, the former head of the government of this northeastern Spanish region, fled abroad after a failed attempt in 2017. to declare independence, hopes to return to the seat of government in Barcelona. But the 61-year-old Puigdemont still faces a Spanish arrest warrant, which can only be lifted when an amnesty agreed with the government in Madrid for the organizers of the secession comes into force no earlier than June.

The election is also seen as a kind of referendum on the controversial issue of amnesty and Catalan independence.

Polls show that Mr Sánchez’s Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) is likely to emerge as the strongest force again, with nearly 30% predicted. votes, but again will not have a majority. The party completely rejects Catalan independence.

Puigdemont’s Together for Catalonia (Junts) party could finish in second place, ahead of current regional government leader Pere Aragonès’ left-wing Republicans of Catalonia (ERC) party. It is not entirely clear what kind of government could be formed, as the parties have not announced anything about possible coalitions.

Voting starts at 7:00 a.m. until 6 p.m. local time.

The article is in Lithuanian


Tags: Elections held Catalonia separatist Puigdemont hopes return
